Unit Test¶
If you are using githubkit in your business logic, you may want to mock the github API in your unit tests. You can custom the response by mocking the request
method of the GitHub
class. Here is an example of how to mock githubkit's API calls:
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Type, Union
import httpx
import pytest
from githubkit import GitHub
from githubkit.utils import UNSET
from githubkit.response import Response
from githubkit.typing import URLTypes, UnsetType
from githubkit.versions.latest.models import FullRepository
FAKE_RESPONSE = json.loads(Path("fake_response.json").read_text())
def target_sync_func() -> FullRepository: # (1)!
github = GitHub("xxxxx")
resp = github.rest.repos.get("owner", "repo")
return resp.parsed_data
def mock_request(
g: GitHub,
method: str,
url: URLTypes,
response_model: Union[Type[Any], UnsetType] = UNSET,
**kwargs: Any, # (2)!
) -> Response[Any]:
if method == "GET" and url == "/repos/owner/repo": # (3)!
return Response[T](
httpx.Response(status_code=200, json=FAKE_RESPONSE),
Any if response_model is UNSET else response_model,
raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected request: {method} {url}")
# Test the target function
def test_sync_mock():
with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as m:
# Patch the request method with the mock
m.setattr(GitHub, "request", mock_request)
repo = target_sync_func()
assert isinstance(repo, FullRepository)
- Example function you want to test, which calls the GitHub API.
- other request parameters including headers, json, etc.
- When the request is made, return a fake response
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Type, Union
import httpx
import pytest
from githubkit import GitHub
from githubkit.utils import UNSET
from githubkit.response import Response
from githubkit.typing import URLTypes, UnsetType
from githubkit.versions.latest.models import FullRepository
FAKE_RESPONSE = json.loads(Path("fake_response.json").read_text())
async def target_async_func() -> FullRepository: # (1)!
async with GitHub("xxxxx") as github:
resp = await github.rest.repos.get("owner", "repo")
return resp.parsed_data
async def mock_arequest(
g: GitHub,
method: str,
url: URLTypes,
response_model: Union[Type[Any], UnsetType] = UNSET,
**kwargs: Any, # (2)!
) -> Response[Any]:
if method == "GET" and url == "/repos/owner/repo": # (3)!
return Response[T](
httpx.Response(status_code=200, json=FAKE_RESPONSE),
Any if response_model is UNSET else response_model,
raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected request: {method} {url}")
# Test the target function
async def test_async_mock():
with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as m:
# Patch the request method with the mock
m.setattr(GitHub, "arequest", mock_arequest)
repo = await target_async_func()
assert isinstance(repo, FullRepository)
- Example function you want to test, which calls the GitHub API.
- other request parameters including headers, json, etc.
- When the request is made, return a fake response