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githubkit is highly configurable, you can change the default config by passing config options to GitHub:

from githubkit import GitHub

github = GitHub(

Or, you can pass the config object directly (not recommended):

import httpx
from githubkit import GitHub, Config
from githubkit.retry import RETRY_DEFAULT
from githubkit.cache import DEFAULT_CACHE_STRATEGY

config = Config(

github = GitHub(config=config)



The base_url option is used to set the base URL of the GitHub API. If you are using GitHub Enterprise Server, you need to include the /api/v3/ path in the base URL.

accept_format, previews

The accept_format and previews are used to set the default Accept header. By default, githubkit uses application/vnd.github+json. You can find more details in GitHub API docs.

The accept_format option could be set to PARAM+json, such as raw+json.

The previews option could be set to a list of preview features, such as ["starfox"]. You can find the preview feature names in the GitHub API docs. Note that you do not need to include the -preview suffix in the preview feature name.


The user_agent option is used to set the User-Agent header. By default, githubkit uses GitHubKit/Python.


The follow_redirects option is used to enable or disable the HTTP redirect following feature. By default, githubkit follows the redirects.


The timeout option is used to set the request timeout. You can pass a float, None or httpx.Timeout to this field. By default, the requests will never timeout. See Timeout for more information.


The cache_strategy option defines how to cache the tokens or http responses. You can provide a githubkit built-in cache strategy or a custom one that implements the BaseCacheStrategy interface. By default, githubkit uses the MemCacheStrategy to cache the data in memory.

Available built-in cache strategies:

  • MemCacheStrategy: Cache the data in memory.

    Normally, you do not need to specifically use this cache strategy. It is used by default.

    from githubkit.cache import DEFAULT_CACHE_STRATEGY, MemCacheStrategy
    # Use the default cache strategy
    github = GitHub(cache_strategy=DEFAULT_CACHE_STRATEGY)
    # Or you can initialize another MemCacheStrategy instance
    # this will create a new cache instance and not share the cache with the global one
    github = GitHub(cache_strategy=MemCacheStrategy())
  • RedisCacheStrategy: Cache the data in Redis (Sync only).

    To cache the data in Redis (Sync only), you need to provide a redis client to the RedisCacheStrategy. For example:

    from redis import Redis
    github = GitHub(
            client=Redis(host="localhost", port=6379), prefix="githubkit:"

    The prefix option is used to set the key prefix in Redis. You should add a : at the end of the prefix if you want to use namespace like key format. Both githubkit and hishel will use the prefix to store the cache data.

    Note that using this sync only cache strategy will cause the GitHub instance to be sync only.

  • AsyncRedisCacheStrategy: Cache the data in Redis (Async only).

    To cache the data in Redis (Async only), you need to provide an async redis client to the AsyncRedisCacheStrategy. For example:

    from redis.asyncio import Redis
    github = GitHub(
            client=Redis(host="localhost", port=6379), prefix="githubkit:"

    The prefix option is used to set the key prefix in Redis. You should add a : at the end of the prefix if you want to use namespace like key format. Both githubkit and hishel will use the prefix to store the cache data.

    Note that using this async only cache strategy will cause the GitHub instance to be async only.


The http_cache option enables the http caching feature powered by Hishel for HTTPX. GitHub API limits the number of requests that you can make within a specific amount of time. This feature is useful to reduce the number of requests to GitHub API and avoid hitting the rate limit.


The throttler option is used to control the request concurrency to avoid hitting the rate limit. You can provide a githubkit built-in throttler or a custom one that implements the BaseThrottler interface. By default, githubkit uses the LocalThrottler to control the request concurrency.

Available built-in throttlers:

  • LocalThrottler: Control the request concurrency in the local process / event loop.

    from githubkit.throttling import LocalThrottler
    github = GitHub(throttler=LocalThrottler(100))


The auto_retry option enables request retrying when rate limit exceeded and server error encountered. See Auto Retry for more infomation.


The rest_api_validate_body option is used to enable or disable the rest API request body validation. By default, githubkit validates the input data against the GitHub API schema. If you do not want to validate the input data, you can set this option to False.