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Auto Retry

By default, githubkit will retry the request when specific exception encountered. When rate limit exceeded, githubkit will retry once after GitHub suggested waiting time. When server error encountered (http status >= 500), githubkit will retry max three times.

Disable Auto Retry

You can disable this feature by set the auto_retry option to False:

github = GitHub(

Customize Retry Decision

You can also customize the retry decision by passing a callable. The callable should accept two arguments: the exception raised exc and the current retry count retry_count. The callable should return a RetryOption object. RetryOption is a named tuple with two fields: do_retry and retry_after. If do_retry is True, the request will be retried after retry_after time. Otherwise, the exception will be raised.

from datetime import timedelta

from githubkit.retry import RetryOption
from githubkit.exception import GitHubException

def retry_decision_func(exc: GitHubException, retry_count: int) -> RetryOption:
    if retry_count < 1:
        return RetryOption(True, timedelta(seconds=60))
    return RetryOption(False)

github = GitHub(

Builtin Retry Decision

githubkit also provides some builtin retry decision function.

Rate Limit Exceeded

from githubkit.retry import RETRY_RATE_LIMIT, RetryRateLimit

github = GitHub(
  auto_retry=RETRY_RATE_LIMIT  # (1)!

github = GitHub(
  auto_retry=RetryRateLimit(max_retry=1)  # (2)!
  1. Retry once when rate limit exceeded.
  2. Retry when rate limit exceeded with custom max retry count.

Server Error

from githubkit.retry import RETRY_SERVER_ERROR, RetryServerError

github = GitHub(
   auto_retry=RETRY_SERVER_ERROR  # (1)!
github = GitHub(
   auto_retry=RetryServerError(max_retry=1)  # (2)!
  1. Retry three times when server error encountered.
  2. Retry when server error encountered with custom max retry count.

Chain Retry Decision Functions

You can chain multiple retry decision functions by using RetryChainDecision. The request will be retried if any of the decision functions return True. For example:

from githubkit.retry import RETRY_RATE_LIMIT, RETRY_SERVER_ERROR, RetryChainDecision

github = GitHub(
   auto_retry=RetryChainDecision(RETRY_RATE_LIMIT, RETRY_SERVER_ERROR)