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We welcome contributions to the project. Thank you in advance for your contribution to githubkit!

Development Environment

Open in Codespaces (Dev Container):

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Local development environment setup:

Make sure you have installed Poetry.

poetry install --all-extras --with docs && poetry run pre-commit install

Test environment setup (optional):

for env in $(find ./envs/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -name test); do
  echo "Setting up $env environment"
  (cd $env && poetry install --no-root)

GitHub Schema Update

Generate latest models and apis from GitHub's OpenAPI schema:


This may use about 400M memory and take a long time.

Please make sure you have activated the virtual environment.


Patch Schema

If you encounter an schema error, you can patch the schema by modifying the pyproject.toml file.

In the [tool.codegen.overrides.schema_overrides] section, you can modify the schema using json pointer. The value will override the original schema.

Specially, if the json pointer points to a dictionary, you can use special value <unset> to remove the key from the dictionary. If the json pointer points to a array, you can use a list value to replace the original array. Or you can use a dict with key <add> and <remove> to add or remove items from the array.

Please add a comment to explain the reason for the patch if you want to submit a PR.


Run tests in dev env:


Run tests in specific test env, for example:

cd ./envs/pydantic-v2/
poetry run bash ../../scripts/